The past few days I haven't been myself at all, BUT I'm happy to say I checked back in today. After a phone call from the love of my life (Dani not Mike--hahaha) it made me feel a little better. However, I have stopped with the 365 project. I missed a few days and well just not into it anymore. I will be posting pictures here and there when I feel like it. Of course of the new house when we ever get moved in.
On another note, what's a mom gotta do to get her kids shot records??? I've been calling back and fourth and playing games. I guess I have to make a trip in-yay me. I'm pretty sure Xavier will be in 5th grade before I get them. Oh well what's a couple more years at home with his momma dearest?! Any who here's hoping all you lovely people have a great week.
P.S. Love you Dani
(no worries it's my sister in law and my hubby already knows where he stands!)
Much, MUCH love to you too!!! Glad to be even just a little help. :) Try to have a better week, babe