Sawyer Austin

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Take 5

I'm taking a break for only a minute to do my blog. I haven't been good about this lately but someone has to keep things in order. Man what a day it has been. Our electric was out all am so I couldn't clean and shower. We had people coming over to look at the old house and I was so pissed that things didn't get done. Sorry to them if they saw my husband's poop stain on the toilet, I just didn't get to it. Oh and your gonna love this, I had a van full of stuff I was taking to the new house so off I went. The new house has as ADT system and I thought it was off but with the electric jacked up the darn lights went off bells were ringing so what do I do but grab Kota and run to the van. Seconds later I heard cop sirens, are you freaking kidding me?? Thank gosh they didn't come to the house but it wouldn't have surprised me at all. So lets just say it's been one of those days were I just wanna dig a hole and stick my head in.

On a happy note Happy Birthday to my Uncle Tim:)

Breakfast of Champs :)

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